12 Habits of Exceptional Leaders

One of the most popularDilbertcomic strips in the cartoon’s history begins with Dilbert’s boss relaying senior leadership’s explanation for the company’s low profits. In response to his boss, Dilbert asks incredulously, “So they’re saying that profits went up because of great leadership and down because of a weak economy?” To which Dilbert’s boss replies, “These meetings will go faster if you stop putting things in context.”
Great leadership is indeed a difficult thing to pin down and understand. 当你为一个伟大的领导者工作时,你会认识一个伟大的领导者,但即使是他们也很难解释他们所做的事情的细节,这使得他们的领导如此有效。伟大的领导是动态的; 它将各种独特的技能融合为一个整体。
Below are 12 essential behaviors that exceptional leaders rely on every day. Give them a try and you can become a better leader today.
“勇气是使所有其他美德成为可能的第一美德。” —Aristotle
缺乏勇气的领导者只是走上公司路线。 They follow the safest path—the path of least resistance—because they’d rather cover their backside than lead.
2. Effective Communication
“我们的沟通方式越精细,沟通就越少。” —Joseph priestley
伟大的沟通者激励着人们。 They create a connection with their followers that is real, emotional, and personal, regardless of any physical distance between them. 优秀的沟通者通过对人的理解和直接对他们的需求说话的能力来建立这种联系。
“A good leader is a person who takes a little more than his share of the blame and a little less than his share of the credit.”—John Maxwell
“Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.”—C.S. 刘易斯
伟大的领导者很谦虚。他们不允许自己的权威地位让他们觉得自己比任何人都好。 As such, they don’t hesitate to jump in and do the dirty work when needed, and they won’t ask their followers to do anything they wouldn’t be willing to do themselves.
“It is absurd that a man should rule others, who cannot rule himself.”—Latin proverb
Contrary to what Dilbert might have us believe, leaders’ gaps in self-awareness are rarely due to deceitful, Machiavellian motives, or severe character deficits. In most cases, leaders—like everyone else—view themselves in a more favorable light than other people do.
Self-awareness is the foundation of emotional intelligence, a skill that 90% of top performing leaders possess in abundance. 伟大的领导者高度的自我意识意味着他们不仅对自己的领导风格有清晰而准确的形象,而且对自己的优势和劣势也有清晰而准确的形象。他们知道自己在哪里发光,在哪里软弱,他们有有效的策略来依靠自己的优势和弥补自己的劣势。
“The way you see people is the way you treat them, and the way you treat them is what they become.”—Jon Wolfgang von Goethe
The Golden Rule—treat others as you want to be treated—assumes that all people are the same. 它假设,如果您以希望领导者对待您的方式对待追随者,他们会很高兴。它忽略了人们受到截然不同的事物的激励。一个人喜欢公众认可,而另一个人讨厌成为关注的中心。
伟大的领导者不会像对待别人那样对待别人。相反,他们将黄金法则走得更远,并按照每个人的喜好对待每个人。 Great leaders learn what makes people tick, recognize their needs in the moment, and adapt their leadership style accordingly.
7. passion
“If you just work on stuff that you like and are passionate about, you don’t have to have a master plan with how things will play out.”—Mark Zuckerberg
“领导力的本质是你必须有一个愿景。这必须是您在任何场合都清晰有力地表达的愿景。 You can’t blow an uncertain trumpet.”—Reverend Theodore Hesburgh
“Just be who you are and speak from your guts and heart--it’s all a man has.”—Hubert Humphrey
Authenticity refers to being honest in all things --not just what you say and do, but who you are. 当您是真实的时,您的言行与您声称的身份保持一致。如果你有别有用心,你的追随者不应该被迫花时间试图退出。他们花任何时间这样做都会削弱他们对您和执行能力的信心。
“管理就像手里拿着一只鸽子。 Squeeze too hard and you kill it, not hard enough and it flies away.”—Tommy Lasorda
Great leaders make it clear that they welcome challenges, criticism, and viewpoints other than their own. They know that an environment where people are afraid to speak up, offer insight, and ask good questions is destined for failure. 通过确保他们平易近人,伟大的领导人促进了伟大思想在整个组织中的流动。
“古罗马人有一个传统: 每当他们的一位工程师建造拱门时,当顶石被吊起到位时,工程师就会以最深刻的方式承担责任: He stood under the arch.”—Michael Armstrong
伟大的领导者有追随者的支持。他们不会试图推卸责任,也不会在失败时避免羞耻。他们从不害怕说 “责任就在这里”,他们通过支持他们赢得了人们的信任。
12. Sense Of purpose
“你不能通过指指点点告诉人们应该去的地方来领导。 You lead by going to that place and making a case.”—Ken Kesey
成为一名优秀的领导者并不意味着你必须同时融入所有这些特征。一次专注于一两个; 每次增量改进都会使您更加有效。 It’s okay if you “act“ some of these qualities at first. The more you practice, the more instinctive it will become, and the more you’ll internalize your new leadership style.